For anyone living in Vancouver who is interested in illustration, I highly recommend you check out this show because it is truly amazing and inspiring. It's great to see illustrations that are exactly the same as in the book, made without the use of photoshop. While I am a firm believer in the powers of photoshop it's refreshing to see work that fits the content of the book so perfectly in all aspects, in this case all assembled via our good old hands. Also, I was also totally won over by the use of photocopied frames for the works. So lovely!
The show is up until June 2nd at Collage Collage, so do go check it out and buy the book too, cause it's a little gem!
About the Book itself:
I am super excited about pretty much any well crafted picture book for adults, and there are not that many...YET.
And so it will come as no surprise to you that since this book is in my opinion beautifully written, masterfully illustrated and of interest for many adults who might perhaps usually not gravitate towards a picture book format I couldn't be happier about it and hope that it will open the floodgates for many other publishers to take more chances and take on similar projects. Adults need picture books too, yes they doooo!
Go see the show.
Go buy the book.
Gracefully written information on this blog are going to support me for my coming assignments. Every point was very clear and taught me few new parameters. I would like to use this information in coming future.