Sunday, March 13, 2011

'The Day It All Blew Away' original artwork on Etsy


Original artwork from ‘The Day it all Blew Away’ is finally on Etsy!

I have finally managed to take the time to post some original artwork from The Day It All Blew Away on Etsy. Yes, some of it was sold at my show at Collage Collage, but there is still lots left. So, should you or your loved ones be in need of some original illustrations from a published Children’s Book, look no further! Reasonably priced and dimensions that are easy to frame. Would make a pretty cool present I think. Especially if you buy the book to go along with it!

Check out the shop!

(also, if you’re buying more than one drawing the shipping prices are the same as just for one. I think I posted that wrong for some of them, so just a heads up… oopps)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kids like making marks that make shapes that make stories

From Lynda Barry’s book’ What it is’ (page 129)

For the next 30 years I chased after only good drawing. While I drew, my main feelings were doubt and worry, and when I finished my only feelings were relief and regret. I never drew for fun anymore-and I’d forgotten about that strange floating feeling making lines on paper used to give me. I’d forgotten how stories used to bubble up out of the lines and surprise me. It was why started drawing--to meet those lines and stories.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

20 Do's and 20 Don'ts from: Mem Fox

Here is a list of 20 Do's and 20 Don't from Mem Fox. I don't agree with some of them, but for the most part, ... excellent advise! Also... the last Don't cracks me up. ... it's a classic it's funny cause it's true. (only from people who aren't really into children's picture books of course. that counts you out because you obviously are, ... since you are reading this blog) :)
Also check out the rest of Mem's site where it came from, for lots of other very helpful tips.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Idea of Genius

This episode of CBC's Ideas is called 'The Idea of Genius' and apart from being extremely interesting it contains some of the major points why I disagree with Elizabeth Gilbert's take on Creativity and Genius (see earlier blog entry). Mainly the part where we actually have to be surrounding ourselves with what it is we are passionate about in order to be able to get our ideas. Listen to the part where they talk about why The Beatles and Mozart were so amazing in their fields and time. Also, yes, the 10.000 hour theory.
Great episode to listen to. Listen to both parts here!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look at my Sketchblog sometimes

I've posted this totally amazing Lynda Barry video on my sketchblog, because initially I thought I'd keep the writing aspect out of this blog but now I've decided against it. Anyhow, take a look at it here. It's pretty great!

"People Write Poetry but they don't necessarily invent it. I think it's something about FOLLOWING this thing"

Elizabeth Gilbert: On creative process

Notice that she gets up at 4.30 to write every day. Discipline and practice is really what will make you good at pretty much ANYTHING. You just have to work at it every day. It's really amazingly simple in a way, no?

Elizabeth Gilbert: A new way to think about creativity

I've watched this quite some time ago, but in light of my new dummy book class that will have a lot more about writing in it I thought it would be very good to post.
Interesting idea, even though I don't quite agree with it. But what I do agree with is that you ARE in control of when you can be creative, or when your creativity comes to you. Like Tom Waits said: Can't you see that I'm driving right now?

Then again. Sometimes it DOES just hit you and you have no control over when that might be. Like her example of the poet who could hear the poem coming towards her from over the hills. Then you have to outrun it and grab a paper and a pencil and hope it's not faster than you and finds another writer instead.

Our Final Class for Level 1 at Kids Books at 2 PM!

Hello hello all students of my level 1 class!

For our final class on Sunday we will meet AT Kids Books at 2 pm. (it takes about 30 minutes to get from ECUAD to Kids Books so that should cover all extra travel time you'll need should you be coming from the other direction)
All you will need will be a sketchbook and a pencil and of course your never ending wild enthusiasm for Picture Books. ...
See you then!
I encourage all of you to give homework # 5 (not #5 NEW) a try! It involves you using your 3D character to create a story. Fun!

Writers' Union of Canada- Writing for Children Competition

1500 Words maximum and 1.500$ Cash if you Win! Why not give it a shot?
Here's the info. Start Writing Madly ... NOW!